It has been sometime that people had been requesting for an excel utility that would perform the date conversion from AD to BS and vice versa in Excel itself. Finally, I have had the time to program it and hope that it can help you in some way.
You can download the file here.
Available Functions
AD2BS( “enter_ad_date” )
AD2BS( "12/25/2016")
AD date format ( MM/DD/YYYY )
BS2AD( “enter_bs_date” )
BS2AD( "2073/12/25")
BS date format ( YYYY/MM/DD )
number2words( enter_number )number2words( 123 )Returns the result in preeti font
number2words_preeti( enter_number, show_units )number2words_preeti( 123 )Returns the result in preeti font. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_unicode( enter_number, show_units )number2words_unicode( 123 )Returns the result in unicode. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_english( enter_number, show_units )number2words_english( 123 )Returns the result in nepali system ( crore, lakh, thousand ). Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
BsDatesDiff( “start_date”, “end_date” )
BsDatesDiff( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/5" )
Date count between 2 BS Dates
BsAddDays( “bs_date”, no_of_days )
BsAddDays( "2073/2/3", 5 )
Add or Subtract number of days from a BS Date
  • AD2BS(“enter_ad_date”) // AD date format (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • BS2AD(“enter_bs_date”) // BS date format (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • number2words(enter_number) // Assign the font as Preeti
  • number2words_preeti(enter_number, show_units) // the output is in Preeti font, and show_units specifies if you want to get units (
  • number2words_unicode(enter_number, show_units) // Assign the font as Preeti
  • number2words_english(enter_number, show_units)
  • BsDatesDiff(“start_date”, “end_date”) // Date count between 2 Bs Dates
  • BsAddDays(“bs_date”, no_of_days”) // Add or Subtract number of days from a BS Date
  • Open Excel 2007/2010/2013
  • Click Office Start Button at the top left corner of the screen
  • Select Excel Options
  • In the Excel Options window, select Add-Ins tab from the left sidebar
  •  Inside the right side pane, make sure the Manage drop down says Excel Add-ins before you click the Go button.
  • AddIns window is opened up. Click on Browse and navigate to the above downloaded file (Sajan.Nepali.Functions.xlam)
  • Check on Sajan.Nepali.Functions in the list and then Click OK
  • You are done.
  • Date Range from 2000 BS to 2099 BS.
  • Date Range from 1944 AD to 2043 AD.
You can download the file here.


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